Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rolling the Wheels On the Trailer

Sunset and Open Range
Well it's time to move on. We have been here in Calgary and Cochrane for six weeks now and have really enjoyed our time at Bow RiversEdge Campgound.

West side of camp looking south
 It was situated close to the Bow River so our morning walks mostly were along the rivers edge. Just outside the camp is an off leash dog run where we would encounter many types of dogs and owners.
Bow River & Free Dog Run area

Sometimes the dog were curious about us and would come close for a smell but mostly they just ran with their noses to the ground and other dogs rear ends.

Glen Eagle Golf Coarse

The last couple of walks Lorraine and I headed up the hill and walked the trials overlooking the valley. One day we dropped into a golf coarse to see all the golfers waiting for the go ahead to tee off. The grass had frost on it and until it was warmer no one was even allowed to stand on it. They had to stay on the paved path.

Club House & Carts
First Tee

The weather here has been very good.

It's only in the last week that the over night temp has been dropping below zero. The trailer is keeping us comfortable during the cooler times of the day. We have a ceramic heater that we keep plugged in and with that and the electric fire place it stays warm enough that the gas furnace doesn't have to come on. Oh I should mention that we had to add a second plexi glass panel to our front window. All the other windows in the Open Range Trailer are double pain. So now we don't have to mop up the condensation on the front window like we did when it was only a single pain of glass.

Swans on a frozen pond north of Cochrane, AB

We are rolling the wheels on the trailer on November 1st. That will give us a full six months to be south of the really cold weather.      

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Lorraine's Impressions

Bronze Scout on his Horse

It is my turn to give my impressions of our stay in the Bow RiversEdge Campground in Cochrane Alberta.

We have been here one month now and and have accomplished a great deal in that we now have an Alberta identity. We are waiting for our Alberta Health card and driver's licence to be mailed to us at our new address in Calgary.

I have been establishing a medical doctor so I will be able to travel this winter. My other support team at the Britannia Bodyworks and Wellness Centre has also been working hard in getting me balanced. I feel this has been a very good move as I now have familiar professionals in one area who work together.

New housing area with walking path
before the houses are started
Every morning Randal & I go for long walks to set the tone of our day. We have learned some of the history of Cochrane and area. What really has impressed me are the numerous housing developments there are here. The first thing that is put in are paved walking paths and streets. Along the ditches they spread rich looking top soil to plant grass and trees. Then the homes are built. We walk somewhere new every week. The only thing we don't have is a dog, like so many other walkers have.

Morleyville Mission west of Cochrane

The camp site is interesting as everyday there are people coming and going. We have a few of our sister Open Range units roll in. The owners stop by to compare notes. We also visit them and share our experiences.

The weather in feeling more like fall as the morning temperature has dropped to -1 and may be going lower. However, it does get to a comfortable temperature during the day in the sun shine. Our furnace has kept us warm and cozy during the morning hours and it is hard to leave our bed in the mornings as it's always warm.

Ice on a twig on Big Hill Creek this morning

Cooking and baking in the travel trailer has not been a problem. I cook smaller amounts now, compared to when I lived in Buena Vista. No more knish baking!!!!

Alberta has a very good recycling program. The one in Cochrane has served us very well. The only thing I miss is the compost bins I had at 473 Grand Avenue. 

We will notify you of our next posting. Until next time, Discover it, live it!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Morning Fog

This morning we walked along the Bow River for our morning outing. It was a very cool wind coming in from the west and the warmer water gave us a fog bank instead of sunshine like we had yesterday.
This was looking east along the Bow River
That's Lorraine on the left and she actually had a smile. She says I take too many pictures of her. But taking pictures is what I do. 

The day turn out to be very warm with a high of 14C. So we did a stroll around the campground to see what everyone was doing.     

Our Open Range and Red Ram are in the center of this shot
Until next time "Discover It, and Live It."

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Travel Preparation

    We left the beach two weeks ago. These have been 2 of the busiest week that I can remember. Our first stop was Lumsden which was only a hop, step, and jump down highway. We were then able to reorganize our stored items and the the storage in the truck and the boot (that's what we call the basement in our trailer). Many of the bins that we were taking with us had extra stuff in them. Why do we collect so much stuff? Everyone is collecting stuff. So we were able the change a few of the bins, and remember what is in them, to use the space more efficiently. Now there are big bins in the truck and small bins in the boot.

  After Lumsden, we headed west on Highway 1 and were able to get to Medicine Hat. Boon docking there in an abandoned Wallmart parking lot, we arrived with only a few rigs in the lot. In the morning there were close to  twenty or twenty five rigs that had pulled in overnight. Having all our supplies and stuff with us we made a quick get away west toward Calgary.

Sunrise in late September Cochrane, AB
     In Calgary we only stopped for a couple of hours then in early evening we took Highway 8 and 22 to Cochrane. There we found a beautiful spot named the Bow Riveredge Campgound. This RV park has only been open for 4 year and is set up and run very well. We will be here until the 17th of October.

Mountain Peaks in Canmore, AB

      One of the day trips that we had recently was to Canmore, AB.  It was a beautiful day with lots of sun and blue sky.