Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Start of the Ice Age

Tuesday, April 30, 2013 - Cochrane, AB

Today we awoke to more of the white stuff and a cool North wind .  

The ground was covered but it looked like the roads and paved path ways were clear. So we headed out on our walk all bundled up as if it was January. 

The sun was trying to make an appearance but was hindered by the clouds pushed around by the wind. Five minutes out and our cheeks we cold, noses were running and pace was quickening. 

We made it to the turn around point on the path and had the wind at our backs for a while. But it was still cold. 

We cut across the open field and headed straight back to home. Alone the way we pasted the Spreay Lakes Recreation Arena. The door looked very inviting. So we slipped in and change our morning ritual by having a breakfast there. 

It is so much eazyer to walk without overcoats and wind.  

When I got home, I looked up where we were last year in April. Lumsden, SK had a nice little camp gound that was good until it snowned one night. 

So some things change and some things never change.

So until next time remember to "Discover It and Live It".

Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring Is In Sight

Friday April 26, 2013. Location: Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

We have been here a month now, with all the weather changes that can happen in the foothills. Ground was clear, wet, frozen, white, and dry. But it wasn't soft or green yet. We had a high yesterday of 18C. Spoiled us for today as the photo of Lorraine shows.    

Friday is garbage day in the residential area we use to get our one hour walk in per day. The blue and black containers are full and not emptied by the big noisy one man truck yet.

The school bus combs the area picking up kids that stand between the blue containers. We are not sure where the buses take the kids, but will bring them back later in the day. I never road a school bus as a kid, my parents always had a home across the street from the school. We couldn't skip out easily.

Well until next time remember to "Discover It and Live It"