From Bakersfield we took CA-99 South to CA-166 West through the valley and the Temblor and Caliente Ranges. Everything was brown, dry along a very winding highway. There were many signs of ranches and a only few cattle grazing on the parched hills. We wondered how they were surviving without green grass and water. There were some oils wells pumping along with older ones that were idle. The small town of New Cuyama had a school that sat very lonely-looking on this stretch of the #166. We wondered how the residents made a living.

As we past over the Sierra Madre Mountains the mountains the vistas became greener. There were more ranches and more vineyards. It was an hour and half drive before we arrived at Santa Maria on I-101. It was too early to go to Lucille and Jim's place as they were out playing golf and would not be home until 3:00 pm.
We turned North on I-101 and went to Grover City and Prismo Beach.
It was nice to be in the sun and walking on the beach. The temperature was 17ºC with a light wind. The big recreation there was ATV riding over the sand dunes. Many businesses rentals lined the street to the beach itself. There were many vehicles driving on the beach. A larger one that took people to the ATV Dune riding areas and trucks that carried the ATVs.
There was a camp site there as well. We were told that on New Years Day the place is very crowded. This beach area goes for miles.
We drove South along CA #1 along the coast line past the Vandenberg Air Force Base to Vandenberg Village, just north of Lompoc. It was a good highway and very scenic.
Lucille and Jim took us for a tour around the country, on back roads to, Buelton, Solvang, Santa Ynez, Purisma and Los Almos.
We stopped at Los Almos and went into the 1880 Union Hotel. This hotel has been a haven for weary travellers, who originally arrived by stagecoach or steam engine.
The hotel is still active in the business for guests to stay in the uniquely styled rooms. They may also enjoy a gazebo and garden. An in door dining room and saloon. The whole place has the 1880's decor.
The drive through Solvang was an interesting one. This place was built with Danish styled businesses and homes. There had been a parade just before we arrived so it was full of people. Everything was covered with Christmas decorations.
The drive took us through many garden areas, a strawberry field that stretched for mile with their long, raised rows covered with plastic. Thousands of acres where the pickers hand pick the crops.
The raised rows would make it easier for the workers to reach the fruit. When looking out over these fields it was the appearance of a large body of water.
It was getting dark by the time we returned and the western sky was becoming very pink. Jim stopped at Surf Beach. Randal was in his hay-day taking pictures of the sun setting.
We returned back to the apartment. Lucille made supper, which we wolfed down! Before long Jim was off to bed and we followed to their guest bedroom.
So until next time remember "Discover It and Live It"
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