Sunday, November 11, 2012

Awsome Forest

We  have been here in southern Washington for only four days and have had rain, fog, wind and sun and not all at the same time, fortunately.  On the sun day which was Saturday we visited Seaquest State Park hiking trails. Parking on Silverlake side of the highway (504) we headed through a tunnel under the highway and entered the campground and hiking trails. 


The trails are not difficult and wind through the tall treed forest. The further we walked into the forest the darker it got. All the trees were covered with a moss similar to a Spanish Moss that we saw in Georgia, but here even the trunk were covered. 

We had the feeling we were on an other planet. We were the only people on the trails so it was easy to stop walking and stop the rustling of the fallen leaves under foot. The silents was soothing and tranquil to the point of unbelievable.


We used a map supplied by the park ranger at the visitors centre to stay on track as there were many juncture, Ts, and Ys. Luckily no dead ends.   


We saw the smallest of mushrooms growing from the moss on trees. There may even have been a Bigfoot hiding behind one of the trees in the next photo.

So all in all it was a very nice sunny day that we spent in the dark forest.

 Until next time remember "Discover It and Live It"

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