Woke up this morning to 9C in the RV and 1C outside, clear skies and a colourful sunrise. Randal & I have been here since November 15th on Full Circle Trail Family Farm near Black Mountain, North Carolina. We have been enjoying our first time living in the Open Range Travel Trailer in warmer climates and helping out on the farm. It was a high of 14C in the afternoon. I wore light shirt and jacket.
It was dark when we wake up in the morning at 6:00am. Randal is always out of bed first to dress and go outside to start the generator to re-change the RV battery and so we can get on the computers. It is much lighter outside than we can see, as the windows are tinted, making it seem darker outside. He turns up the thermostat to 68F to started the propane furnace to make it fell comfortable.
At 7:300am we see Leon walk by swinging a pail in his hand. He has been to feed the chickens. He has already milked the goats and is back at 10 to 7 to ring the Zen bells for mediation. The Zendo is just a few feet from our RV so it is easy for me to get there. We meditate for 40 minutes every day. There are five participants every morning who partakes in meditation.

Geni wanted some pictures taken of her and I meditating in the Zendo, so Randal took them. She is going to sent them to her teacher in Japan.
Randal & I walked with Geni and Kayla on "Hidden Valley Trail" from Leon and Geni's property to Earthaven passed by the pig yard , along leave-covered trails, crossing over Taylor Creek bridges,and over a few fallen trees. Randal has captured some awesome picture of the area. The dogs, Soxs and Leila, follow us, going at their own pace. Today Sox reached her nose into the pig yard, through an electric fence and received a shock. That sent her quickly back to house. She was not going to finish this walk. It will interesting to see if she will come with us again along this path!

Today at 12:30pm we walked over a tall ridge to Sally and Randy's place for a New Years get-together of games, drinks and food, (black-eyed peas and collards); a tradition of the USA News Year celebrations. There were at least 60 adults and children there enjoying renewing acquaintances and conversation. I met more people who live in the neighbourhood of Eearthaven and Rosie Branch. We were there for 2 hours and than walked back home going along the Rosie Branch Creek into Earthaven arriving back at the RV at 4:30pm Kayla walked in bare feet. Her feet most be very tough!
Geni accompanied Carol, a former resident of Earthaven back with us and then she walked back with there to Sally and Randy's, making her walk of the day double. She did not get back until 10 to 7pm, just in time to meditate with me until 7:45pm.
Kayla came to the RV to watch a movie. She enjoys that and is now feeling comfortable to join us in movie watching.
Before going to bed at 8:30pm I played my usual game of Spider Solitaire.
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