This blog has been neglected. Here it is November and I have not said anything since January. So I think it's about time I did. One image from the months missed should do it.
February - Winter was still with us.
March - The skies were blue and the sun was warm.
April - Cherry blossoms came out in a delightful display.
May - We had a most spring with clouds moving in on a regular schedule.
June - Summer started to get hot and dry.
July - With the warmer and hot weather came the summer tourists.
August - Brought us beautiful landscapes and family.
September - We say lots of birds and the od snake.
October - We had very nice warm days with fantastic cloud formations and still lots of bugs and birds.
and November - And now with half the month left the weather is turning cooler and the days are getting shorter.
Remember to take the road less traveled. Until next we meet.