Tuesday, November 15, 2022

2022 Update

    This blog has been neglected. Here it is November and I have not said anything since January. So I think it's about time I did. One image from the months missed should do it.

February - Winter was still with us.

March - The skies were blue and the sun was warm.

April - Cherry blossoms came out in a delightful display.

May - We had a most spring with clouds moving in on a regular schedule.

June - Summer started to get hot and dry.

July - With the warmer and hot weather came the summer tourists.

August - Brought us beautiful landscapes and family.

September - We say lots of birds and the od snake.

October - We had very nice warm days with fantastic cloud formations and still lots of bugs and birds.

and November - And now with half the month left the weather is turning cooler and the days are getting shorter.

Remember to take the road less traveled. Until next we meet.



Monday, January 3, 2022

First Major Snow Dump

 Today was a snowy adventure. We had a couple of places to go.  

The first thing was to get out the shovel and clean a path to the car.

The golf cart has had it's cover on for a while now

The Big Red Dually is shown the amount of snow with more to come.

So off we went through the deep snow. The highway had been cleaned but not the side walks.

Most of the road traffic was four-wheel drives. So I had to keep my wits about me where I could go and not go.

The first destination was Saffron and the owner had his walk all clean for your arrival.  

Checking that the coast was clear over the snow bank we went. 

The destination took us across the street to fill our lauder for the long winter ahead.

So until next time keep your shovel on the ice and your head up high. Have a good 2022.