April 24, 2020
The stay at home edict has been on us now for six weeks and we are doing very well at finding things to keep ourselves busy.
The weather has been wonderful to everyone in Southern Okanagan. Here the systems seem to separate and stay at higher elevations. But although our four walls have windows in them, we still needed to get out.
So with cameras and water in hand we hopped in the auto for a tour of the friendly neighbouring town to the west.
Taking the backroads is always enlightening.
Bee hives and orchard trees a common sight.
School buses parked in hidden places until further notice.
Colourful yards with historic cars. This was a Zephyr park on a front lawn.
Older vehicles with many years behind them sit quietly in the front row of orchard trees. The car is waiting for the end of summer and harvest time.
Mountains with scree slopes dominate the view in the valley.
Then a final stop to take us to the returning highway. Hopping back on Hwy #3 East, It will take us back home to the four walls that await us.
So until next time remember to "Discover It and Live It".