As we have done in the past, we do a car tour to find new places and areas that are in our neighborhood. We needed to get more farm fresh vegetables and fruits. At Covert Farm what was available were tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and blueberrys.
For the more adventurist there is a 10k walk to the Bluff and a competition of fitness called The Freak'n Farmer held later in the summer.
The grape vines were full and looked very healthy.
Lorraine tried her skill at pumping for water to make the ducks swim. But no luck. She said a priming was needed.
After we left the farm we drove through the higher elevation roads until we arrived at the National Radio Observatory.
The Nationa Research Council of Canada can be found at here. The DRAO offers access to the classical radio wave spectrum, extending from centimetre through metre wavelength. To learn more about our world-class astronomy facility, contact:
Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory
Telephone: 250-497-2300
From there we came back to Highway 97 and OK Falls. The beach on the south end of Skaha Lake was a great place to haul out the picnic lunch and watch the sun worshipers.
Taking another road we had not been on, we went north along the east side of Skaha Lake which took us to familiar ground in Penticton. Now I had enough of the heat and the driving so we headed home.
So until next time remember to "Discover It and Live It".