Friday, August 31, 2012

Fall Flowers

August 31, 2012

Today being the last day of August I wanted to say something about the flora still in bloom here along the Bow River. We consider them to be our wild garden and have watch them bud in the spring and now as they protect themselves from frosty over night temperatures. 

The Common Sun Flower is still doing the daily dance of following the sun from morning till night.  

This plant has beautiful veined cream coloured flowers that have been out since July. But we can't find it in any of our wild plant books. If anyone can enlighten us we would be greatful.

So until next time remember "Discover It and Live It".

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fog along the Bow

Aug 26, 2012

We walked along the Bow River today in a fog. The river definitely has a different feel to it when you can't see beyond the shore. I can imagine the mountain peaks rising up on both sides and the fog obscuring them from view. 

Then the warming sun pushes the fog away and blue skies appear. Then the mountains disappear and you have to take off the now too hot coat your wearing.

So have a warm day under the sun where ever you are. Remember to "Discover It and Live It"

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Aug 25, 2011 

Today was one of the cooler nights we have had while here in Cochrane. The over night low was 4 deg. C. So we let the sun come up before we went on the morning ritual walk. From the camp we either head West or East along the path in the free run dog area. Today we went East. 

The river was a lot lower than it was in July, as is evident by some of the alternate pathway having less water and no flow at all. The shot below is one of those path ways not flowing but not yet completely dry.

 Next to our campground is the Spray Lake Saw Mill Family Sports Centre. The grounds maintenance person created some flower beds this spring and sowed wild flowers inside them. They are now blooming with a variety natural flower. From a distance (the Road) they look like a bunch of unkempt spots. But up close it's a different story.  

The weed, as I call it because I don't know its' name, below has now gone to seed. This one and many others grow along the 2K Bow walkway. This one may disappear  with a heavy wind and next summer there maybe more of them        

So until next time "Discover It and Live It"